

Meteorological Consulting

Nottus offers customized consulting services for different sectors, such as energy, agriculture, insurance, and retail. Our purpose is to provide analysis that will be essential in anticipating the needs of your business with precise and intelligible information, disclosed in a clear and objective manner, generating long-term value.

We make available a complete set of forecasts for different businesses and products with indicators and tools that enable us to have a detailed vision and offer the best paths for decision making.

Take a look at some of our solutions:

Daily newsletter

Delivered in video and in PDF with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, and wind forecast for the next days and weeks in the main basins of the National Interconnected System (SIN). Expect changes in the forecast from the next ECMWF extended model (Mondays and Thursdays).

Weekly newsletter

Delivered in video and PDF format with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, humidity, and wind forecast for the coming days and weeks

Monthly meeting

Videoconference with the forecast for the coming days, weeks, and months with detailed presentation of oceanic conditions, climate and teleconnection indicators - attempt to identify year recurrence and comparison with previous years.

WhatsApp group

Exclusive channel for our clients to convey information and questions.

Weather trigger

Through various data science techniques it will be possible to identify the relationship between your sales history and weather and climate triggers As a result, the best set of sales forecasts for your product will be made available.

Daily newsletter

Delivered in video and in PDF with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, and wind forecast for the next days and weeks in the main basins of the National Interconnected System (SIN). Expect changes in the forecast from the next ECMWF extended model (Mondays and Thursdays).

Daily newsletter

Delivered in video and in PDF with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, and wind forecast for the next days and weeks in the main basins of the National Interconnected System (SIN). Expect changes in the forecast from the next ECMWF extended model (Mondays and Thursdays).

Weekly newsletter

Delivered in video and PDF format with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, humidity, and wind forecast for the coming days and weeks

Weekly newsletter

Delivered in video and PDF format with a summary and/or update of the rainfall, temperature, humidity, and wind forecast for the coming days and weeks

Monthly meeting

Videoconference with the forecast for the coming days, weeks, and months with detailed presentation of oceanic conditions, climate and teleconnection indicators - attempt to identify year recurrence and comparison with previous years.

Monthly meeting

Videoconference with the forecast for the coming days, weeks, and months with detailed presentation of oceanic conditions, climate and teleconnection indicators - attempt to identify year recurrence and comparison with previous years.

Grupo de WhatsApp

Exclusive channel for our clients to convey information and questions.

Grupo de WhatsApp

Exclusive channel for our clients to convey information and questions.

Weather trigger

Through various data science techniques it will be possible to identify the relationship between your sales history and weather and climate triggers As a result, the best set of sales forecasts for your product will be made available.

Weather trigger

Through various data science techniques it will be possible to identify the relationship between your sales history and weather and climate triggers As a result, the best set of sales forecasts for your product will be made available.


Energy - Commercialization and generation (Hydraulic, Wind Farms and Photovoltaic)

Climatic conditions interfere directly in the energy sector, since they impact generation potentials and, consequently, price volatility. Therefore, a good qualitative meteorological forecast (trend), added to quantitative data from several models, such as the American ones (Global Ensemble Forecast System - GEFS, Global Forecast System - GFS and Climate Forecast System - CFS) and the European model (ECMWF), is fundamental for the success of the generators, the traders and/or large consumers.

Energy - Energy Transmitters and Distributors

The energy generated is transported by the transmitters to the large centers and later reaches the final consumers through the distributors. The occurrence of severe storms and wildfires, for example, can cause supply interruptions in some link of the chain and possible forced shutdowns.

To minimize the problem, the ideal is to speed up the response time, keeping teams on standby or alert in a strategic way to repair the network and ensure the return of the power supply as soon as possible.

Another point is that there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers of transmission lines and many companies encounter problems justifying the interruption of a certain stretch of line. To this end, we provide reports certified by our meteorologists attesting to the occurrence of extreme weather conditions that may affect transmitters and distributors.

Food and drink

Food and beverage consumption is directly linked to weather conditions, whether thoughtfully or unconsciously. When it is hot, for example, light food, a refreshing drink, or ice cream are usually consumed. On the other hand, when it gets cold, the most desired option is a hot, calorie-dense food or a comfort drink.

With these business opportunities in mind, we provide solutions for producers and sellers to understand the climate triggers that impact consumer decision making.

Through the behavior of the companies' sales history, we use algorithms and identify the weather triggers. From this, we will be able to predict more accurately the ideal conditions to speed up or not the production or the point of sale, optimizing the business and avoiding product shortage or unnecessary overstocking.

General Retail

With every change of season, or even with every expectation of a turn in the weather, a business opportunity arises. It is essential for a good planning, both of stocks and of marketing actions and sales strategies to know if the seasons will be hotter or colder, drier or wetter than normal, and in which regions of the country.

Will the winter be harsh? How many cold waves are expected? Could the cold come earlier? What will the demand for medicines be like to cope with this time of year? Clothing for a heavier or lighter winter? Consumer buying behavior for specific items is also directly linked to weather conditions.

With this in mind, we offer solutions that relate the variations in the weather scenario with the sales behavior of a given product, trying to find the triggers that cause this sales explosion or retraction. Thus, it is possible to predict more accurately the ideal conditions for sales, inventory control, and production.


In the event of a claim due to extreme weather conditions, insurers require a weather certificate to prove what happened and the subsequent payment of damages. The document can only be prepared by meteorologists and companies accredited in the Regional Council.

In the case of the meteorological report, the professional and the company must be registered with CREA (Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy) and an ART (Notation of Technical Responsibility) will be issued. The document can be used in legal proceedings, as proof of claims, and in environmental impact reports, among other purposes.

We prepare meteorological reports attesting the occurrence of the accident..

Energy - Commercialization and generation (Hydraulic, Wind Farms and Photovoltaic)

Climatic conditions interfere directly in the energy sector, since they impact generation potentials and, consequently, price volatility. Therefore, a good qualitative meteorological forecast (trend), added to quantitative data from several models, such as the American ones (Global Ensemble Forecast System - GEFS, Global Forecast System - GFS and Climate Forecast System - CFS) and the European model (ECMWF), is fundamental for the success of the generators, the traders and/or large consumers.

Energy - Energy Transmitters and Distributors

The energy generated is transported by the transmitters to the large centers and later reaches the final consumers through the distributors. The occurrence of severe storms and wildfires, for example, can cause supply interruptions in some link of the chain and possible forced shutdowns.

To minimize the problem, the ideal is to speed up the response time, keeping teams on standby or alert in a strategic way to repair the network and ensure the return of the power supply as soon as possible.

Another point is that there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers of transmission lines and many companies encounter problems justifying the interruption of a certain stretch of line. To this end, we provide reports certified by our meteorologists attesting to the occurrence of extreme weather conditions that may affect transmitters and distributors.

Food and drink

Food and beverage consumption is directly linked to weather conditions, whether thoughtfully or unconsciously. When it is hot, for example, light food, a refreshing drink, or ice cream are usually consumed. On the other hand, when it gets cold, the most desired option is a hot, calorie-dense food or a comfort drink.

With these business opportunities in mind, we provide solutions for producers and sellers to understand the climate triggers that impact consumer decision making.

Through the behavior of the companies' sales history, we use algorithms and identify the weather triggers. From this, we will be able to predict more accurately the ideal conditions to speed up or not the production or the point of sale, optimizing the business and avoiding product shortage or unnecessary overstocking.

General Retail

With every change of season, or even with every expectation of a turn in the weather, a business opportunity arises. It is essential for a good planning, both of stocks and of marketing actions and sales strategies to know if the seasons will be hotter or colder, drier or wetter than normal, and in which regions of the country.

Will the winter be harsh? How many cold waves are expected? Could the cold come earlier? What will the demand for medicines be like to cope with this time of year? Clothing for a heavier or lighter winter? Consumer buying behavior for specific items is also directly linked to weather conditions.

With this in mind, we offer solutions that relate the variations in the weather scenario with the sales behavior of a given product, trying to find the triggers that cause this sales explosion or retraction. Thus, it is possible to predict more accurately the ideal conditions for sales, inventory control, and production.


In the event of a claim due to extreme weather conditions, insurers require a weather certificate to prove what happened and the subsequent payment of damages. The document can only be prepared by meteorologists and companies accredited in the Regional Council.

In the case of the meteorological report, the professional and the company must be registered with CREA (Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy) and an ART (Notation of Technical Responsibility) will be issued. The document can be used in legal proceedings, as proof of claims, and in environmental impact reports, among other purposes.

We prepare meteorological reports attesting the occurrence of the accident..

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